Game Systems
Aftershock and a Fashion Emergency
On it's way to the Whistlestop, this VR system (1 of 10 on tour) makes a stop at Louisville's channel 32 early, early morning show. Perfect makeup notwithstanding, I don't think the host was thinking that anything below the belt would be on...
Arcade “Player Retainer” – HeadGames VR2000
IAPPA 1999 brought us another stand-up VR system from New York based HeadGames, the VR2000. Based on the Forte consumer head mounted display, the VR2000 also featured the "Player Retainer." Initially I thought this was some special magic which...
Regis Takes a Spin
You know the wave has crested when Regis and Kathie Lee make your specialty an early morning featurette. Reeg hams it up beautifully. If it hadn't been for that 3:30am load in, it might have been perfect. Dave Polinchock provides expert...
Display Mounted Head? – Kimera
The Kimera game system from Immersive Technologies appeared at the 1995 IAAPA show with a solution to the VR arcade's most vexing challenge: how to keep the helmets from being damaged or stolen without a full time attendant. Taking their cue...
Urinated in His Pants?
Proving that VR doesn't automatically lead to hurling the intrepid subject of this 1995 video wolfs down a cornucopia of fast food and hops on some VR games at Toronto's CN Tower. The manager of the arcade facility prevaricates a bit, telling...
Another Gyro VR – Orbotron X O Tron VR
1995 brought us yet another Gyro based VR Game system, the X-O-Tron VR, a descendant of the original non-electronic gyro-exercise system, the Orbotron. Initially inspired by the March 1992 release of Lawnmower Man, the first gyro VR systems...