Apple Plans Ahead

Apple Plans Ahead

24 years ago Apple ran this advertisement predicting a tablet based voice assistant. The futuristic ad takes place in September 2011. With yesterday's announcement of Siri, they missed their prediction by only one month (out of 24 years.) Wish all my...

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Attack of the Avatar (Show)

Attack of the Avatar (Show)

Trust the folks at G4 to bring us the real scoop on state-of-the-art VR from the inventors of the assembly line, Ford Motor Company. G4's reportage AND Ford's VR applications are both impressive; both the MSM and GM/Chrysler have something to...

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The return of Virtual Reality?

The return of Virtual Reality?

Well we all saw how the VR hype slowly faded out in the late 90s - so how can i put up such a title? Some people might have noticed the recent boom of 3D related stuff. It somehow started last year, suddenly the buried technology was quickly excavated and...

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Siggraph ’92 Wrap

Siggraph ’92 Wrap

The media drops in on Siggraph '92 in Chicago:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8pBnuB5rys   Definitely a show that I outsmarted myself on. Had an exhibitor's badge from a friend (thanks Marilyn!), and while touring the exhibits...

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Aftershock and a Fashion Emergency

Aftershock and a Fashion Emergency

On it's way to the Whistlestop, this VR system (1 of 10 on tour) makes a stop at Louisville's channel 32 early, early morning show. Perfect makeup notwithstanding, I don't think the host was thinking that anything below the belt would be on...

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Meet My Friend “Ralph”

Meet My Friend “Ralph”

Simulator Sickness and the lingering effects of Virtual Reality, drunken behavior in particular, are the subject of this Brian Williams NBC special from 1996. Brian's teaser: "When they were first unveiled, the science of it all was staggering,...

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