And All That Hype, Around the World, Head Mounted Displays
Two milkshakes make the whole issue of virtual reality motion sickness moot. There’s not much more commentary to add...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays
Google has been tearing through the bandwidth over at the Patent Office in defense of Project Glass, April’s much touted announcement of Google’s entry into the world of augmented reality and head mounted displays. One especially clever patent covers their...
And All That Hype, VR Publications, Where Are They Now?
Matt Novak, in Smithsonian’s Paleofuture blog, draws some interesting contrasts between Jaron Lanier’s 1991 Omni Magazine interview and his current book: “You Are Not A Gadget: A Manifesto.” While the Omni article portrays Lanier as...
And All That Hype, Cybersex, Where Are They Now?
Harvey Newquist tires of waiting for the New York Post headline to scream: “Wife Dumps Husband For Cybersex Lover” or “Computer Casanova Seduces Virtual Valerie.” Money quote: Does the average person get to see or use any of this stuff? Can you...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays, VR Publications, Where Are They Now?
Scenes from a typical day in the virtual world of tomorrow: You wake up and attend to your daily bathroom rituals, which unfortunately will never be replaced by any virtual reality process… Thus, after your real world morning ceremonies are completed, it’s...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays, Stereoscopic 3D
Over at Meant to be Seen 3D, in answer to a forum post looking for the perfect HMD, board vet, cybereality took the time to respond in depth… Money quote: Well, sadly to say it, you will probably be waiting for a long time. There is nothing I know of on the...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays, VR Publications, Where Are They Now?
VR today is like early TV: it suffers from the split personality of most start-up high-tech industries. At the one end is the top of the line research, carried out by institutions with no mandate to sell anything. At the other end, we have new hardware and software...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays
Yes, I’ve heard rumors of bugs (lice) inside VR helmets (untrue!), but researchers in Spain are bloody Kafkaesque, putting virtual cockroaches all over the screens. They “got the bright idea to simulate hoards of cockroaches swarming over insect-phobic...
And All That Hype, Game Systems, VR Companies, Where Are They Now?
From 1991 to 1996 W Industries Virtuality systems defined the image of VR in the location based entertainment arena. Here in the US, Horizon Entertainment was their sole distributor. W Industries was remarkably innovative with their use of technology, but their...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays, VR Companies, Where Are They Now?
Back when VR really had some cred, the Diaspar Virtual Reality Network hopped on the bandwagon. Imagine, if you will, a dial-up service with a feature list, every item containing the phrase “will be”, as in this feature will be available… but when?...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays
So well you probably know that it is not a standard that new computers get shipped with VR headsets, although you might have believed that during the mid-90s VR craze. In 1995 many analysts – serious people – predicted that in 10 years most computers would...