And All That Hype, Around the World
“Don’t shade your eyes; plagiarize!” (Tom Lehrer) Why VRtifacts matters. “I invented nothing new. I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom were centuries of work. Had I worked fifty or ten or even five years before, I would...
And All That Hype, VR Companies, VR Publications, Where Are They Now?
I wrote this for a 1991 Meckler conference presentation. Still smiling at my naivete! It’s tough trying to manage one of these businesses. Every time one of my vendors/bankers/landlord/ etc., asks what we do, and I say “Virtual Reality,” their...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays, VR Publications, Where Are They Now?
Scenes from a typical day in the virtual world of tomorrow: You wake up and attend to your daily bathroom rituals, which unfortunately will never be replaced by any virtual reality process… Thus, after your real world morning ceremonies are completed, it’s...
Around the World, Head Mounted Displays, Stereoscopic 3D
Who can remember doing all their 3D animation in MS-DOS? Back in the day, there was Gary Yost’s 3D-Studio (not Max!) licensed to and supported by AutoDesk. Now, who remembers creating stereoscopic animation with 3D Studio? VREX had a great little plugin that...
And All That Hype, Head Mounted Displays, VR Publications, Where Are They Now?
VR today is like early TV: it suffers from the split personality of most start-up high-tech industries. At the one end is the top of the line research, carried out by institutions with no mandate to sell anything. At the other end, we have new hardware and software...
Head Mounted Displays, How-To; Teardowns; Tutorials
Build your own LEEP style wide field of view head mounted display optics. Check out the instruction video and parts list below. In the late 80’s and early 90’s wide field of view head mounted displays were all the rage; immersion was everything! The...