Meet My Friend “Ralph”

Meet My Friend “Ralph”

Simulator Sickness and the lingering effects of Virtual Reality, drunken behavior in particular, are the subject of this Brian Williams NBC special from 1996. Brian’s teaser: “When they were first unveiled, the science of it all was staggering, but now...
Regis Takes a Spin

Regis Takes a Spin

You know the wave has crested when Regis and Kathie Lee make your specialty an early morning featurette. Reeg hams it up beautifully. If it hadn’t been for that 3:30am load in, it might have been perfect. Dave Polinchock provides expert narration. Quick glimpse...
Fear of Flying? Try the Forte VFX-1

Fear of Flying? Try the Forte VFX-1

1994 brought a fully packaged consumer head mount, the Forte-VFX-1 Brochure. Stereoscopic and with head tracking included, it somehow found it’s way into the hands of psychologist Les Posen who employed this device to treat patients with various phobias. The...
Urinated in His Pants?

Urinated in His Pants?

Proving that VR doesn’t automatically lead to hurling the intrepid subject of this 1995 video wolfs down a cornucopia of fast food and hops on some VR games at Toronto’s CN Tower. The manager of the arcade facility prevaricates a bit, telling us that while...
Another Gyro VR – Orbotron X O Tron VR

Another Gyro VR – Orbotron X O Tron VR

1995 brought us yet another Gyro based VR Game system, the X-O-Tron VR, a descendant of the original non-electronic gyro-exercise system, the Orbotron. Initially inspired by the March 1992 release of Lawnmower Man, the first gyro VR systems appeared that summer (full...
A Sweet Ride – IAAPA ’94

A Sweet Ride – IAAPA ’94

By 1994 the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) exhibition floor was packed with VR systems. As a potential marketplace, blood was in the water and you couldn’t tell the fish from the sharks. With a very few exceptions most of...
All Brawn – Virtuality 1000CS HMD

All Brawn – Virtuality 1000CS HMD

VR hit the arcades (at least in England) with the 1991 debut of the Virtuality 1000CS and Dactyl Nightmare. The helmet was rugged, but simply massive, with two Romex style cables to power it up. If you’ve ever wondered why the HMD was such a bruiser, have a peek...
Redefining Power Tools – CyberSM

Redefining Power Tools – CyberSM

As sex-suits go, these are pretty weeee-id! All shiny leather and chrome, this cybersex system haptically connects our happy couple over dial-up all the way from Cologne to Paris and back. If you somehow missed the “SM” in CyberSM (and here),...